World Hepatitis Day 2022

World Hepatitis Day 2022

World Hepatitis Day event was commemorated on the 28th of July 2022 at Kagini Primary Health Care Centre and the Chief’s palace, concurrently.

The event began at 10:30 a.m. with the Centre for Family Health Initiative (CFHI)’s team divided in two groups to anchor the concurrent event at both venues; Primary Health Care and community Chief Palace. The event was in two sessions. The Talk session and Test session.

A health worker at the PHC in the person of Mrs Akpan delivered the lecture to pregnant women during the antenatal session, on hepatitis types A,B,C,D and E emphasizing on the importance of testing and knowing their status and also, on the prevention of mother-child hepatitis transmission.

Mrs Odunayo Adegbite, a staff of CFHI also made contributions on the risk factors and transmission mode of hepatitis types A,B,C,D and E which include the ingestion of contaminated food or water, unsafe contact with infected body fluids, receipt of contaminated blood or blood products, Mother-child transmission, sexual contact etc. She urged the pregnant women to be mindful of the level of unsaturated fat they consume so as to prevent liver damage.

The audience asked questions which were attended to and answered.

The testing session for hepatitis commenced after the talk session and counsellors engaged in counselling of the women in respect to their various test results. The same programme modality was carried out at the Chief’s palace which had in attendance Men, Women and Adolescents and children and was anchored by Mrs Temitope Samuel of CFHI.

In the midst of the testing session, journalist from Trust Television came to witness the event and interviewed some women and a staff of CFHI on the World Hepatitis Day activity. The event was a success with a record of one hundred persons tested, in which ninety-five tested negative to hepatitis while five tested positive.

There is a need to raise more awareness on Hepatitis

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