CFHI organized an Online Panel Discussion on CBO’s Actions in the Elimination of VAWG

Violence against women and girls (VAWG) is one of the persistent and devastating human rights and 1 in 3 Nigerian women have experienced physical violence by age 15 (NDHS 2013).

In commemoration of the International Day of the Elimination of Violence Against Women, and as a follow-up to the National Consultation on Violence Against Women and Girls (VAWG) held in 2021, the Centre for Family Health Initiative (CFHI) organized an online panel discussion on CBO’s Actions in the Elimination of VAWG across various geopolitical zones.

A total of 70 participants joined the event virtually including the panelists and the representatives. CFHI Executive Director, Krystal Anyanwu anchored the event and she spoke on the efforts made so far by CFHI in elimination of VAWG.

The event was a success as panelists discussed progress made so far and what could be done to eliminate violence against women and girls. Betty Abah one of the panelists stated that Pattern noticed in violence against women and girls is the continuous abuse of domestic help. Edo Ekata from Ministry of Women Affairs opined that Collaboration and synergy among public and private partners with government is important to curb GBV. Also, Barr. Mrs. Obiageli Oraka from African Resonance Initiative stated that Boys and Men should be integrated in the fight to eliminate VAWG in Nigeria whlie Ndodeye Bassey Obongha also educated the participants on the efforts made thus far by the Federal Government of Nigeria in the elimination of VAWG in South South region.


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