Maintaining menstrual hygiene is crucial for the overall well-being and health of individuals who menstruate, as it helps prevent infections, discomfort, and social stigma. Education and access to affordable and safe menstrual products play a vital role in promoting menstrual health hygiene and empowering individuals to manage their periods with dignity and confidence.

The Federal Ministry of Women Affairs in collaboration with the Centre for Family Health Initiative, Action Against Hunger, UNFPA, WaterAid, UNICEF, Ford Foundation, Federal Ministry of Health, and other organizations, including Heal the Youth Foundation and Binyou, celebrated World Menstrual Hygiene Day 2023 at GSS Tudunwada, Wuse zone 4, Abuja and Government Junior Secondary School Burum, Abuja.

The team conducted an educational program for more than 75 young girls and boys to sensitize them against period stigma and as part of the celebration, about 150 reusable sanitary Safepads were provided to girls with limited access to hygiene products, and educational materials to the boys.



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