There is a sickle cell disease (SCD) myth which says that persons with SCD do not live past the age of 21. …

Gender bias and discrimination are deep-rooted issues in many workplaces around the world. One of the most visible ways these problems show …

Gender-based violence (GBV) is a serious issue affecting millions of women worldwide. It includes physical, sexual, emotional, and psychological harm, often linked …

Sickle Cell Disease (SCD) is a genetic blood disorder characterized by the production of abnormal hemoglobin, known as hemoglobin S, which causes …

Education is a game-changer, especially for girls. Across the world, millions of girls are held back by gender bias, often missing out …

Sickle cell disease (SCD) is a group of inherited blood disorders that primarily affects the structure and function of hemoglobin, the protein …