Diabetes mellitus is derived from the Greek word Diabetes, meaning Siphon (to pass through) and a Latin word mellitus meaning honeyed or sweet. This is because in Diabetes, excess sugar is found in blood as well as the urine. It was known in the 17th century as the “pissing evil”.
There are accounts that the term Diabetes was coined by Apollonius of Memphis around 250 BC but Diabetes was first recorded in English, in the form Diabetes, in a medical text written around 1425. It was in 1675 that Thomas Willis added the word “’Mellitus’” to the word Diabetes. This was because of the sweet taste of the urine. The ancient Greeks, Chinese, Egyptians, Indians and Persians had also noticed this sweet taste in urine as it is evident in their literatures.
According to World Diabetes Foundation (WDF), over five million people are living with either Type 1 or Type 2 Diabetes in Nigeria. However, millions are still unaware of their status. The general symptoms of diabetes include increased hunger, increased thirst, weight loss, blurred vision, frequent urination, extreme fatigue, tingling, numbness of hands and feet, itching and yeast infection, wounds and sores that are slow to heal.
Diabetes mellitus is managed in two ways; the non-drug treatment and drug treatment, but it is important to note that education is involved in both ways. People living with Diabetes should be educated on lifestyle modification in the aspects of diet and exercise and on blood sugar monitoring, identifying symptoms, emergencies and complications, medications, and foot care. Also, people without diabetes should be educated on the fact that Diabetes is a lifelong disease with no cure yet. It can be prevented through lifestyle modifications and knowing one’s health status by having regular medical checkups even when you feel healthy.
The first way to manage Diabetes Mellitus which is the non-Drug treatment entails healthy and appropriate diet, adequate physical activities and regular blood sugar and blood pressure checks. The second which is the drug treatment entails the use of oral glycemic tablet and insulin injection. The insulin injection should be administered either alone or alongside oral glycemic tablets for Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus but administered alone for Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus on abdomen, thighs, buttocks, or arms.

Myths and misconceptions about Diabetes
There are many mistaken beliefs about Diabetes; some of these are highlighted below.
• Diabetes is not that serious.
Fact: According to American Diabetes Association, Diabetes causes more deaths than breast cancer and HIV/AIDS combined, people with Type 2 Diabetes (the most common form of the disease) may go a long while, even years, before being diagnosed. This is because, they may downplay their symptoms or write them off to other causes.

• Being overweight causes Diabetes.
Fact: Gaining weight does not necessarily need the person is going to get Type 2 Diabetes. Having a body mass index over 25 is just one of several risk factors for Diabetes, but there are many overweight people who do not ever get the disease.

• Having Diabetes means you must eat foods that are different from everyone else’s.
Fact: People with Diabetes do not need to follow a restricted diet but instead should try to follow the same healthy eating guidelines as everyone else, including choosing foods that are lower in fat, higher in nutrients, and contain an appropriate amount of calories.

• A Diabetes diagnosis means you automatically need Insulin.
Fact: That is the case with Type 1 Diabetes but not with type 2 Diabetes. In some cases, proper diet, exercise, and oral medications, if needed, can keep Type 2 Diabetes under control for some time before Insulin becomes necessary.

• Only older people are at risk of having Diabetes
Fact: Even children are being diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes. However, those most at risk for Type 2 Diabetes are adults 45 years and older and those of any age who are sedentary and overweight.

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