

 Women have often demonstrated their ability to bring about constructive change in conflict-affected societies. According to UNICEF, involving women in peace processes increases the likelihood of long-term peace. In their peacebuilding efforts, women frequently prioritize communal welfare and human security, developing understanding, compassion, and conversation. Their involvement can assist to establish bridges, foster reconciliation, and more effectively address the core causes of conflict.

The significance of women’s engagement in peacebuilding initiatives has grown in recent decades. Women bring unique perspectives, abilities, and experiences to the table, making them vital change agents in the development of peaceful and inclusive societies. Women have distinct viewpoints that are molded by their experiences and positions in communities. The competence of women in fields including healthcare, education, and community development is critical for post-conflict reconstruction, according to the World Health Organization.

Furthermore, the presence of women in peacebuilding guarantees that peacebuilding initiatives are thorough, encompassing various facets of society. The SDGs; SDG 5 (Gender Equality), SDG 16 (Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions), and SDG 17 (Partnerships for the Goals) are all aligned with women’s involvement in peacebuilding.

Consequently, women’s active involvement in peacebuilding is essential for achieving long-lasting peace in addition to being an issue of equity and justice. By respecting the perspectives, skills, and voices of women, we can build a more inclusive world.

Speak Wednesday is an initiative of CFHI to address issues around gender-based violence and gender bias.
#SpeakWednesday #WomenInPeacebuilding #Women’sRights #HumanRights #GenderStereotype #GenderBias #GenderInequality






Digital divide according to Investopedia, encompasses the technical and financial ability to utilize available technology, along with access (or a lack of access) to the internet.

As observed in education and other areas of life, women and girls face a wide divide in the digital space which is significantly taking over the universe and economic opportunities with the world adjusting to the change. This indicates that gender disparity has also found its undeserving place in the digital world.

This wide gender gap in digital access, literacy and skills is caused by the social norms, gender roles and expectations of women in the household. This includes the negative stereotyping of women and girls in their career paths and the assumptions that boys and men do better in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) fields than girls.

The digital divide against women and girls will worsen gender discrimination and promote unequal access to employment opportunities for girls, which can lead to financial lack and poverty.

Government and stakeholders can work towards the inclusion of girls and women in the digital ecosystem and close the gap by ensuring that girls are educated and have access to ICT, improve gender-responsive systems and programs, and the like.

Speak Wednesday is an initiative of CFHI to address issues around gender-based violence and gender bias.

#SpeakWednesday #Genderbias #GenderDigitalDivide


Gender Equality_SDG


Gender equality, according to United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund (UNICEF) is defined as women and men, girls and boys having equal conditions, treatment, and opportunities for realizing their full potential, human rights, and dignity, and for contributing to (and benefitting from) economic, social, cultural and political development. It is the state of equal ease of access to resources and opportunities regardless of gender, including economic participation and decision-making; and the state of valuing different behaviors, aspirations, and needs equally, regardless of gender.


There is a growing global recognition that gender is a key determinant of health inequalities and health sector performance. In framing the Sustainable Development Goals and 2030 Global agenda for All, it was widely recognized that integrating gender equality and women and girls’ empowerment perspectives into policies and programs is important to the achievement of global commitments and targets. More precisely, global best practices in health care delivery demonstrate that gender mainstreaming and human rights-based approaches lead to better health outcomes for men and women, boys and girls.


Women and girls make up half of the population of the world yet are marginalized in every area of life. Extreme poverty is higher among women because of the societal and cultural belief that women are homemakers while men are said to be breadwinners. The popular saying “Educate a girl educate a nation” is a call for action that should be championed by all. Poverty would end in all its forms in society and will improve if women have access to decent work and pay.

Also, maternal and child mortality will reduce if women have full rights and protection to reproductive rights, especially the eradication of female genital mutilation done on girls and women. This will indirectly bring a significant change in the promotion of life and well-being of all which is one of the global goals.

Every gender prejudice has an undermining effect on all other global goals because women make up half of the population of the world, and women’s right is a human right. 

Once given the right tools, and privilege, women will achieve more success across all disciplines and live a self-empowered and independent life that will benefit the overall betterment of society.

Speak Wednesday is an initiative of CFHI to address issues around gender-based violence and gender bias.

#SpeakWednesday #GenderEquality #SDG5 #GenderBias #EqualityEqualsProgress



Among the 17 Sustainable Development Goals established by the United Nations in 2015 is Sustainable Development Goal 5, whose mission is to achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls.

According to Wikipedia, SDG 5 has nine targets and 14 indicators. Six of the targets are “outcome-oriented”: ending all forms of discrimination against all women and girls everywhere; ending violence and exploitation of women and girls; eliminating harmful practices such as child, early and forced marriage, and female genital mutilation; the increasing value of unpaid care and promoting shared domestic responsibilities; ensuring full participation of women in leadership and decision-making, and ensuring access to universal reproductive rights and health. The three “means of achieving” targets are: fostering equal rights to economic resources, property ownership, and financial services for women; promoting the empowerment of women through technology; and adopting, strengthening policies, and enforcing legislation for gender equality.

It is a fundamental right of a woman to live free of all discrimination or violence, to have a quality education, work, equal pay, health care, and a wholesome inclusion in political and economic decision-making. Our government needs to take substantial actions to help achieve SDG 5 because the inclusion of women and girls in economic and political decision-making will essentially drive more sustainable development outcomes for all.

Speak Wednesday is an initiative of CFHI to address issues around gender-based violence and gender bias.

#SpeakWednesday #SDG5 #GenderBias #Genderequality








Section 28 of the Child Rights Act provides that no child shall be subjected to any forced or exploitative labour; or employed to work in any capacity where he is employed as a domestic help outside his own home or family environment.

Child labour refers to the permissible and non-permissible work done by children for a third party or an employer, which is sometimes done in hazardous situations. It is, however, important to note that this does not include reasonable household chores carried out by children under supervision in their homes which is a primary part of training children to be responsible adults in the future.

In Nigeria, child labour has persisted due to extreme poverty, lack of access to quality education, poor economic growth and the societal attitude towards child labour. Regardless of the existing laws prohibiting the practice, children are being pushed into domestic work daily just to bring additional income to support the family while facing exposure to sexual exploitation and other hazards associated with child abuse.

According to ILO, estimates determine that the current number of child workers in Nigeria is 15 million, which shows that Nigeria has the highest number of child labour in West Africa. The effects of child labour on children include both bodily and mental harm, poor or zero education, sexual or economic abuse, and other violations of child’s rights.

To eliminate domestic child labour in Nigeria, the problem of poverty should be tackled first by an overhaul of the economy to provide jobs for adult citizens of the country. Education should be made free for children from primary to secondary levels to keep children in school and lessen the financial burden on families. Also, the government should implement laws like the Child Rights Act and the Labour Act to foster the protection of children from exploitation.

Speak Wednesday is an initiative of CFHI to address issues around gender-based violence and gender bias. Join us every Wednesday on our social media platforms for more episodes.

#SpeakWednesday #ChildLabour #DomesticViolence #SDGs #EndChildLabour #PurnishPerpetrators




Women empowerment refers to complete emancipation of women from socio-economic shackles of dependency and deprivations. Often made synonymous to gender equality, the term women empowerment encompasses a much larger set of principles that needs whole-hearted attention. Empowerment of women would mean encouraging women to be self-reliant, economically independent, have positive self-esteem, generate confidence to face any difficult situation and incite active participation in various socio-political development endeavours.

The growing conscience is to accept women as individuals capable of making rational and educated decisions about them as well as the society, increasing and improving the economic, political and legal strength of the women, to ensure equal right as men, achieve internationally agreed goals for development and sustainability, and improve the quality of life for their families and communities.

Women empowerment in its actuality is synonymous with complete development of the community. An educated woman, with knowledge about health, hygiene, cleanliness is capable of creating a better disease-free environment for her family. A self-employed woman is capable of contributing not only to her family’s finances, but also contributes towards the country’s economic development. A shared source of income is much more likely to uplift the quality of life than a single income household and more often than not helps the family come out of poverty trap.

Women aware of their legal rights are less likely to be victims of domestic violence or other forms of exploitations. Basic legal information about rights and knowledge on the different acts like the Matrimony act and Domestic Violence act, is vital for any woman to have, as this knowledge will empower them to be able to better handle such situations for themselves as well as those around them who might find themselves in such situation.

When women are living safe, fulfilled and productive lives, they can reach their full potential. Contributing their skills to the workforce and can raise happier and healthier children. A key part of this empowerment is through education, training, awareness raising, building self-confidence, expansion of choices, increased access to and control over resources, and actions to transform the structures and institutions that reinforce and perpetuate gender discrimination and inequality. These are important tools for empowering women and girls to claim their rights which leads to community/national development.




According to provisions of the Convention on the Elimination of all Forms of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW), the protocol to the African Charter on the Rights of Women in Africa, and the National Gender Policy, women have the right to participate in political processes that affect them, their families, and societies. Countries like Rwanda, Cuba, Bolivia, and United Arab Emirates with increased women’s participation and leadership in civil societies and political parties tend to be more inclusive, responsive and democratic. Truth is, when women significantly participate in peace processes, they meaningfully help to expand the scope of agreements and improve the prospects for lasting peace.

Historically, Women around the world at every socio-political level find themselves under-represented in parliament and far removed from decision-making levels. Despite representing half the global population, women comprise less than 20 percent of the world’s legislators according to United States Agency for International Development (USAID).

Women in Nigeria face many challenges and discriminatory practices under some existing laws and customs. Political life in Nigeria is based on male norms and values, and men determine the standards for political participation and the rules that govern the electoral process, greatly limiting women’s participation in politics. For example, intending female candidates for political offices are often disadvantaged, and even disqualified, by rules and cultural norms surrounding marriage and indigeneship. In some cases, parties actively exclude women from standing for office and most often than not, female political candidates are often subject to hate speech, threats or violence. Nevertheless, Women are known to be resilient family and society builders and are naturally imbued with salient and sterling leadership qualities. Over time in history, a few women who have been entrusted with leadership roles have more often than not proved that when given adequate backing, women can perform creditably – a case study of Dr. Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala and Margaret Ekpo in managing human and material resources.

In conclusion, women’s full and effective political participation births gender equality, inclusive growth, and sustainable development. The active participation of women, on equal terms with men, at all levels of decision-making and political involvement provides a balance that more accurately reflects the composition of society and may as such enhance the legitimacy of political processes by making them more democratic and responsive to the concerns and perspectives of all segments of society. Research shows that as more women are elected to office, there is a corollary increase in policy making that emphasizes quality of life and reflects the priorities of families, women, ethnic and racial minorities.

Speak Wednesday is an initiative of Centre for Family Health Initiative (CFHI) to address issues around gender-based violence and gender bias. Join us every Wednesday on all our social media platforms for more interesting episodes.




According to United Nations Children Fund (UNICEF), Gender equality is the equal valuing by society of the similarities and the differences of men and women, and the roles they play. It is based on women and men being full partners in the home, community, and society. Equality does not mean that women and men will become the same, but the rights, responsibilities, and opportunities will not depend on whether they are born male or female.

According to gender gap Africa, men earn an average of $140 more than women per month in Nigeria, which is the 17th largest gap in Africa. Presently, Nigeria has one of the lowest rates of female representation in parliament across Africa, and globally, it ranks 181st out of 193 countries. Out of 109 senators in Nigeria Senate and 360 House of Representatives members, there are only seven female senators and 20 female House of Representatives members in the National Assembly.

Gender equality implies that the interests, needs and priorities of women, men, girls and boys are taken into consideration, recognizing the diversity of different groups and that all human beings are free to develop their personal abilities and make choices without the limitations set by stereotypes and prejudices about gender roles. The landmark declaration adopted by the General Assembly on 10 December 1948 reaffirms that “All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights” and “everyone is entitled to all the rights and freedoms… without distinction of any kind, such as race, colour, sex, language, religion, birth…

In practice, gender equality would mean educating more girls which would set them up for better job opportunities and income in the future; having more women participate in politics and given equal opportunity in decision making; having more women in the workplace and in leadership positions; and having more women make better choices concerning their sexual and reproductive health and rights.

Gender equality is a matter of human rights and it is considered as an indicator and a precondition for sustainable people-centred development. To achieve peaceful, healthier, and safe societies, with full human potential and sustainable development, gender equality is essential. More so, it has been shown that empowering women spurs productivity and economic growth which is beneficial to everyone.

Speak Wednesday is an initiative of CFHI to address issues around gender-based violence and gender bias. Join us every Wednesday on all our social media platforms for more interesting episodes.




Child marriage is a widespread violation of human rights. It is an impediment to social and economic development, and it is rooted in gender inequality. The low value placed on girls and women brings about the act and acceptability of child marriage in societies where the practice is common. According to UNICEF, Child marriage refers to any formal marriage or informal union between a child under the age of 18 and an adult or another child. Child marriage is principally practiced in the rural and poor communities where young girls are regarded as economic burden and quickly married off to assuage household expenses.

Child marriage has been a common practice among many ethnic groups in the world including Nigeria. However, it has contributed to series of negative consequences both for young girls and the society in which they live. It is a violation of human rights in general and of girl’s rights in particular. For both women and girls, child marriage has profound physical, intellectual, psychological and emotional impacts.

Aside the emotional and mental distress, intolerance, school drop-out, Fistula diseases, early widowhood, frustration and hatred for the man accompanied with child marriage,  child marriage is inherently linked to low educational level, social isolation, severe health risks which results in increased gender inequality and vulnerability to poverty for girls, young women, families and the society at a large.

It is essential that efforts be aligned towards providing easy access for girls to entrepreneurial opportunities. In 2020, CFHI through Institute of Human Virology Nigeria (IHVN) and Catholic Caritas Foundation of Nigeria (CCFN) funded projects empowered 453 women with non- interest loans to start or expand their businesses, thereby increasing their social economic capital while empowering them with financial literacy and accountability. CFHI did not only provide loans, but also provided 97 startup kits to adolescents who were trained in different skills including sewing, barbing, hair dressing, baking, furniture making, Computer, among others. Thirty-three (33) newly enrolled adolescents are still in training.

As we celebrate the International Day of Women and Girls in Science tomorrow, the promotion of girl education should be a priority for NGOs and the Government. This is an ideal solution to the issue of girl-child marriage.

Speak Wednesday is an initiative of CFHI to address issues of gender based violence and gender bias. Join us every Wednesday on all our social media platforms for more episodes.




According to World Health Organization, more than 200 million girls and women alive today have undergone female genital mutilation (FGM) in 30 countries in Africa, mostly in the Middle East and Asia. All forms of FGM are associated with increased health risk in the short- and long-term. Below are some of the health risks.

Short-term health risks of FGM

Severe pain. Cutting the nerve ends and sensitive genital tissue causes extreme pain. The healing period is also painful.

Shock. Can be caused by pain, infection and/or haemorrhage.

Genital tissue swelling. Due to inflammatory response or local infection.

Infections. May spread after the use of contaminated instruments (e.g. use of same instruments in multiple genital mutilation operations), and during the healing period.

Excessive bleeding (haemorrhage). Can result if the clitoral artery or other blood vessel is cut.

Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). The direct association between FGM and HIV remains unconfirmed, although the cutting of genital tissues with the same surgical instrument without sterilization could increase the risk for transmission of HIV between girls who undergo female genital mutilation together.

Urination problems. These may include urinary retention and pain passing urine. This may be due to tissue swelling, pain or injury to the urethra.

Impaired wound healing. Can lead to pain, infections and abnormal scarring.

Death. Death can result from infections, including tetanus, as well as haemorrhage that can lead to shock.

Mental health problems. The pain, shock and the use of physical force during the event, as well as a sense of betrayal when family members condone and/or organize the practice, are reasons why many women describe FGM as a traumatic event.


Long-term health risks of FGM


  • Chronic genital infections. With consequent chronic pain, and vaginal discharge and itching. Cysts, abscesses and genital ulcers may also appear.
  • Chronic reproductive tract infections. May cause chronic back and pelvic pain.
  • Urinary tract infections. If not treated, such infections can ascend to the kidneys, potentially resulting in renal failure, septicaemia and death. An increased risk of repeated urinary tract infections is well documented in both girls and adult women who have undergone FGM.

Painful urination. Due to obstruction of the urethra and recurrent urinary tract infections.

Vaginal problems. Discharge, itching, bacterial vaginosis and other infections.

Menstrual problems. Obstruction of the vaginal opening may lead to painful menstruation (dysmenorrhea), irregular menses and difficulty in passing menstrual blood, particularly among women with Type III FGM.

Excessive scar tissue (keloids). Excessive scar tissue can form at the site of the cutting.

HIV (Human immunodeficiency virus). Given that the transmission of HIV is facilitated through trauma of the vaginal epithelium which allows the direct introduction of the virus, it is reasonable to presume that the risk of HIV transmission may be increased due to increased risk of bleeding during intercourse, because of FGM.

Sexual health problems. FGM damages anatomic structures that are directly involved in female sexual function and can therefore also influence women’s sexual health and well-being. Removal of, or damage to, highly sensitive genital tissue, especially the clitoris, may affect sexual sensitivity and lead to sexual problems, such as decreased sexual desire and pleasure, pain during sex, difficulty during penetration, decreased lubrication during intercourse, and reduced frequency or absence of orgasm (anorgasmia). Scar formation, pain and traumatic memories associated with the procedure can also lead to such problems.

Childbirth complications (obstetric complications). FGM is associated with an increased risk of caesarean section, postpartum haemorrhage, recourse to episiotomy, difficult labour, obstetric tears/lacerations, instrumental delivery, prolonged labour, and extended maternal hospital stay. The risks increase with the severity of FGM.

Obstetric fistula. A direct association between FGM and obstetric fistula has not been established. However, given the causal relationship between prolonged and obstructed labour and fistula, and the fact that FGM is also associated with prolonged and obstructed labour, it is reasonable to presume that both conditions could be linked in women living with FGM.

Perinatal risks. Obstetric complications can result in a higher incidence of infant resuscitation at delivery and intrapartum stillbirth and neonatal death.

Mental health problems. Studies have shown that girls and women who have undergone FGM are more likely to experience post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), anxiety disorders, depression and somatic (physical) complaints (e.g. aches and pains) with no organic cause.

Pain. Due to tissue damage and scarring that may result in trapped or unprotected nerve endings.

Though FGM may be normative and considered to be of cultural significance in some settings, the practice is always a violation of human rights, with the risk of causing trauma and leading to problems related to girls’ and women’s mental health and well-being. (WHO,2020)