


Children witness families struggling with government lock downs that prevent their parents from earning a living and bringing their education to a stand-still. It is important to keep the children busy at home so they can adhere to the lock down rules and still have a stable mental health.

Children can do the following to keep themselves busy at home

  • Talk on the phone or do a video call with family and friends
  • Text or use other messaging apps to talk with family and friends.
  • Play online games that let them play with other kids from home.
  • Exercise daily
  • Trying out new skills and reading new books/story books

Important safety precautions at home to help prevent infection and spread of COVID-19 in children includes:

  • Regular hand washing with soap and running water
  • Regular laundry of their wears
  • Disinfecting frequently used surfaces such as doorknobs, switch, toys, remote, sink handles, etc
  • Adequate nutrition such as lots of fruits and vegetables to help build their immune system.
  • Avoid self-medication. When a child is noticed to have developed any symptom of ill health, visit a health facility.

Important safety precautions at the health facilities during the pandemic

  • Collaborate to ensure child-friendly health facilities/access to health care, including guidance for health staff on child-friendly communication and special measures to support children’s psycho-social well-being when undergoing treatment and quarantine.
  • Support child safeguarding training for health workers (particularly where children are separated from their families or caregivers).
  • Establish safe, child-friendly complaints and feedback mechanisms in health care facilities.
  • Strengthen capacity on clinical management of rape (CMR) and ensure minimum CMR supplies are available in key facilities to appropriately respond to sexual violence.
  • Collaborate on mental health and psycho-social support care and messaging for children and caregivers affected by COVID-19.
  • Collaborate to ensure child-friendly hand-washing stations are available at health facilities, schools, childcare centres, alternative care centres, and other locations children are likely to visit.

Psychologists and economists have considered parenting style such as how warm, strict, or communicative a parent is, is an important determinant of a child’s skills. During a period of home schooling, parents will try to enforce rules and boundaries so that their children can learn. However, harsh parenting including shouting at or smacking children particularly when the socio-emotional skills of children are low, will exacerbate children’s behavioral and emotional problems. Instead, moving to a more sensitive style of parenting can help close the socio-emotional gaps observed across children. Policy makers should also ensure that information, education, and communication (IEC) materials, including information on available services, are produced, and displayed with limited text in child-friendly versions.

MONDAY HEALTH BURST – MAY 25, 2020 Read More »



Complementary feeding is defined as the process starting when breast milk alone is not sufficient to meet the nutritional requirements of infants, and therefore other foods and liquids are needed along with breast milk. It is the transition from exclusive breastfeeding to family foods which typically covers the period from 6-24 months of age.

Complementary feeding prevents malnutrition, deficiency diseases, like anaemia and promotes growth. Children who are not started on complementary feeding by 6 months of age consume in-adequate variety and amount of food to meet their nutritional needs.

It is important to note that complimentary feeding is done during “weaning” and should be a gradual process. It could be tweaked or limited to semi solids for the first trials and then stepped up to solids. These feeds range from grains, vegetables, fruits, meat, dairy and other classes of food.

To meet evolving nutritional requirements, infants should receive nutritionally adequate and safe complementary foods, while continuing to breastfeed for up to two years. Exclusive breastfeeding is essential for the first 6months of life to achieve optimal growth, development, and health, after which weaning can commence.

When weaning is not instituted in time, children may be deprived of adequate nutrition to continue their growth and can affect the immunity and health.




Studies are limited in how effective the use of face masks on healthy individuals affect the outcome of prevention of a respiratory virus. However, during the Covid-19 pandemic, we have seen nations use the precaution of implementing the use of face masks nationwide and have seen remarkable results on the prevention of the spread of the virus together with hand washing and social distancing. This among other studies led to the recommendation of non medical masks by WHO and Nigeria Centre for Disease Control (NCDC).

According to WHO guidelines, appropriate use and disposal of face masks are essential to ensure that they are effective and to avoid any increase in transmission. Hence, the need for proper sensitization to the proper way of using a face mask and how to dispose it, since so many people had little or no knowledge of what a face mask is prior to the pandemic.

Below are recommended steps on the correct use of face masks by Practices in Healthcare Settings:

  • Place the mask carefully, ensuring it covers the mouth and nose and tie it securely to minimize any gaps between the face and the mask.
  • Avoid touching the mask while wearing it.
  • Remove the mask appropriately by not touching the front of the mask but untie from behind.
  • After removal, clean hands using an alcohol-based hand sanitizer or wash with soap and water.
  • Replace masks as soon as they become dampened.
  • Do not re-use single-use masks.
  • Discard single-use masks after each use and dispose of them immediately upon removal.
  • For non medical masks, make sure to wash with disinfectant as well as soap and water after single use and make sure to dry under the sun. It is also advisable to have more than one non medical mask.

#StaySafe #MondayHealthBurst




Simply put, hygiene is the personal practices we imbibe that contribute to healthy living like hand washing, hair trimming and keeping nails short and clean, bathing, brushing of teeth morning and evening, among others. Sanitation on the other hand, is the actions and use of tools we combine towards keeping our environment clean, safe and healthy. These include effective drainage and proper waste disposal, how we prepare food, maintain toilet facilities and washing stations.
According to WHO, these practices are important towards the availability of clean water, combating Neglected Tropical Diseases (NTP) like helminths via contaminated soil and water, lymphatic filariasis which affects 1 billion of the world’s poorest people in about 149 countries. It includes prevention of water borne diseases like diarrhoea, cholera and breeding of organisms that cause malaria and onchocerciasis.
Globally, 2.4 billion people lack access to proper toilet facilities, hence, the high rate of open defecation. Over 946 million people worldwide practice open defecation according to a WHO report, leading to contamination of the soil and nearby water bodies, often resulting in diseases affecting communities.
To ensure we understand the scope and scale of the need for hygiene and sanitation, we need to start with us as individuals, making sure we imbibe hygienic practices and sanitize our environment by disposing waste properly, recycling, cleaning of our homes and surroundings, culminating in the next step of community led sanitation. Communities can provide proper latrines and waste disposal means which is an important part of sanitation and can drastically reduce diseases in the communities.
To help build and maintain a healthy community and personal health, especially in this prevailing pandemic, we must embrace proper hygiene and sanitation.
#HygieneAndSanitation #MondayHealthBurst #Stayhome #Staysafe




“From 2000 to 2015, several countries made tremendous progress in the fight against malaria. Globally, malaria deaths fell by more than 50%. Seventeen countries eliminated malaria, and six were certified by the WHO as malaria-free”. This exceptional progress demonstrated that malaria elimination is achievable.

Despite the progress made in the fight against malaria, half of the world population is still at risk of this devastating disease. According to WHO’s World Malaria Report for 2019, the scourge of malaria continues to strike hardest against pregnant women and young children in Africa. Scaling up efforts to reduce cases and deaths among these two populations would provide significant boost in the fight against malaria.

With the present Covid-19 pandemic concerns taking the front line, there is need to ensure that efforts and progress gained in the fight against malaria are not lost and there is continued testing and treatment of malaria cases even within this pandemic. WHO warned on Thursday, April 23, that the number of deaths caused by malaria in Sub-Saharan Africa could double to 769,000 this year, as efforts to curb the disease are disrupted by the COVID-19 pandemic.

It is essential that we keep to the guidelines of cleaning the environment and dispensing stagnant waters around homes, ensuring proper covering of openings, fumigate regularly, appropriate clothing especially for children at night and most importantly the use of insecticide treated mosquito net. In as much as we enjoin everyone to stay at home, never hesitate to seek medical help if fever occurs.

Happy World Malaria Day!

#StaySafe #WMD2020

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