Breastfeeding is the act of feeding an infant with human breast milk. According to the American Academy of Pediatrics, the antibodies in breast milk can help a baby resist infections. Hence, it is recommended for all infants.

Successful breastfeeding depends on the positioning and attachment of the baby to the breast. A baby needs to be able to take a large mouthful of breast milk and feed effectively without causing any discomfort. Some of the breastfeeding positions that can be adopted include: Laid-back breastfeeding or reclined position, cradle hold, cross-cradle hold, rugby ball hold, side-lying position, upright breastfeeding or koala hold, dangle feeding, nursing in a sling, and double rugby ball hold.

LAID-BACK BREASTFEEDING OR RECLINED POSITION – The laid-back breastfeeding position, also known as biological nurturing, where baby is placed on mother’s chest or tummy as soon as he is born.

CRADLE HOLDThis is the classic position most people picture when the thought of breastfeeding comes to mind. It involves sitting upright with the baby positioned on the side, and the head and neck laying along the mother’s forearm. The baby’s body should be against the mother’s stomach in a tummy-to-mummy position.

CROSS-CRADLE HOLDThis looks similar to the cradle hold but mother’s arms switch roles so the baby’s body lies along the mother’s opposite forearm. The aim is to support the baby around the neck and shoulders to allow him/her to tilt the head prior to latch.

RUGBY BALL HOLDIn this position also known as the underarm or clutch, mother sits with the baby resting along her forearm. The baby’s body tucks alongside the mother’s side with feet towards the back of the chair or whatever the mother is sitting on.

SIDE-LYING POSITIONIdeal for relaxed night feeds and breastfeeding in bed or on the sofa. Mother and baby need to lie on the sides next to one another, belly-to-belly. Side-lying can be more comfortable than sitting if one had a caesarean or stitches.

UPRIGHT BREASTFEEDING OR KOALA HOLDIn this method, baby sits straddling mother’s thigh, or on her hip, with the baby’s spine and head upright as he/she feeds.

DANGLE FEEDINGIt involves lying the baby on the back while the mother crouch over the child on all fours and dangle the nipple in the baby’s mouth.

NURSING IN A SLINGThis can be done when carrying a baby in a front carrier or any kind of sling. Mothers must make sure she can see the baby’s face and chin are not pressed against the chest.

DOUBLE RUGBY BALL HOLDThe double rugby ball hold also known as the double clutch is a great breastfeeding position for twins, as the mother can feed them in tandem while having her hands relatively free.

DANCER HAND NURSING POSITION – Cup the breast with hand underneath, fingers on one side and thumb on the other, then edge the hand forwards so the thumb and index finger form a ‘U’ shape just in front of the breast. The three remaining fingers should continue to support the breast underneath. Rest the baby’s jaw on the thumb and index finger as he/she feeds with the chin at the bottom of the ‘U’. The mother’s thumb should gently hold one of the cheeks and index finger the other. This hold gives the baby enough support and the mother can easily have control over the position as well as a great view of the latch.

The most important part of successful breastfeeding is the latch. In a case where the child is not properly latched on to the breast, feedings could be painful which could lead to the baby not getting enough breast milk. Signs to confirm a good latch include; the circular movement of the jaw rather than rapid chin movement, wiggling ears, rounded cheeks, absence of clicking or smacking noises, tongue is seen when the bottom lip is pulled down, sound of swallowing, chin is seen touching the breast, when the baby comes off the breast, the nipple is not flattened or misshaped, any form of discomfort disappears as soon as the baby latches on, baby shows signs of satisfaction after breastfeeding.

In order to breastfeed successfully, it is important that the mothers and babies are relaxed and comfortable. Finding the most comfortable method will go a long way in ensuring successful breastfeeding.