The ozone layer is a region of the upper atmosphere located between 15 and 35km above earth’s surface. Its function is to absorb high-energy Ultraviolet (UV) Ray’s from the sun preventing them from reaching the earth’s surface.

Over exposure to UV radiation is considered to be a health risk, causing skin and eye damage, as well as having adverse effects on the immune system. Amongst the effects resulting from exposure to Ultraviolet radiation, Melanoma, a lethal human health effect causes over 7100 deaths annually in the United States as reported by Hidaya Aliouche in an article published on News Medical and Health Sciences, accessed 19 September, 2022, <>

An international agreement to protect the ozone layer is expected to prevent 443 million cases of skin cancer and 63 million cataract cases for people born in the United States through the end of this century, according to new research by scientists at the National Cancer for Atmospheric Research (NCAR), ICF consulting, and US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).

Furthermore, the European Environmental Agency stated that one of the action required globally to continue the recovery of the ozone layer is to ensure that banks of ozone-depleting substances (both in storage and contained in existing equipment) are dealt with in an environmentally-friendly manner and are replaced with climate-friendly alternatives. European Commission, Protecting the ozone layer, accessed September 19, 2022, <>

World Ozone Day was established to be marked on September 16 every year to raise awareness of the ozone layer’s depletion.


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