A Pap test, often known as a Pap smear, is a procedure to test for cervical cancer. The examination looks for abnormal cells in the cervix that are malignant or may develop into cancer. Your doctor extracts cells from your cervix during a Pap smear to look for cancerous lesions under a microscope.(Cleveland clinic)

According to Mayo clinic in the article Pap Smear published in June 2022, Doctors generally recommend repeating Pap testing every three years for women ages 21 to 65.

Regardless of your age, your doctor may advise more frequent Pap smears if you have certain risk factors. These risk factors include:

* Cervical cancer diagnosis or precancerous cells on Pap test

* Exposure to Diethylstilbestrol (DES) before birth

* HIV infection

* Immune system weakened as a result of chemotherapy, organ transplantation, or long-term corticosteroid use

* History of smoking

The screening procedure can be discontinued if one is above 65 years or following a complete hysterectomy (surgical removal of the entire uterus)

Cervical cancer is rarely discovered in people who undergo routine screenings for the disease.(National Cancer Institute, NCI).

Routine screening remains a major key in preventing cervical cancer.


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