Welcome to another episode of Speak Wednesday.

Domestic violence has become an everyday phenomenon around the world. It is an act of physical, verbal or emotional intimidation that has become an epidemic. Domestic violence is not new to the Nigerian society. Recently, we have witnessed murder and violence across religion, age, gender, ethnic groups and social classes.
UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres warned of a “horrifying global surge” in domestic violence during the coronavirus crisis and urged governments to step up efforts to prevent such.
Lagos state government earlier announced some emergency helplines for domestic violence victims at the onslaught of the lockdown because it is perceived that with couples indoor having little or nothing to do, there is bound to be misunderstanding which when not well managed, can lead to violence.
Let us join hands to prevent violence everywhere as we work collectively towards ending Covid-19. As we stay at home, let us endeavour to stay safe. Speak up when there is the need to do so.
#StayAtHomeAndStaySafe #SayNoToDomesticViolence