According to Object Relations Theory, humans are birthed with an inbuilt capacity to make and sustain relationships and to socialize in their various environment. Once a baby makes his/her first entry into the world, the innate capacity begins to develop immediately he meets “the object”. The object is usually an interior image of one who constantly cares for the infant. In most cases, the first object is the child’s mother. Other objects are the father or guardian who take up parenting responsibilities.

Sάndor Ferenczi initiated the first idea of the Object Relations Theory, followed by other scholars in the 1930’s, 40’s and 50’s who extended the theory. However, in 1952, Ronald Fairbairn popularized his theory of Object Relations. These scholars who have contributed to the development of the theory are trying to explicate the role of “the object” in the development of a child psyche.

The theory proposes that family incidences as infants grow tend to structure the way people socialize with others in their environment. Experiences in adulthood may alter the individual’s personality but the impact from “the object” during childhood still greatly influences the person even as he/she grows older. Children raised in a home ravaged by Gender Based Violence tend to be aggressive as adults and see violence as normal in every home or develop low self-esteem. These positive and negative incidences shapen their character and behavior consciously or unconsciously.

Ronald Fairbairn believes that the first object (mother) plays a key role in the formation of a child’s character. Therefore, emphasizing the importance of raising children in a healthy environment. A mother takes care of her children and unconsciously her children begin to form character from the things they watch her do and say. Mothers’ Day is celebrated not just because a mother cares for her children but because the society understands that a mother plays a key role in producing either bad or patriotic citizens.