Cyber violence is defined as an organised internet behaviours that criminally or non-criminally cause, facilitate, or threaten a person’s physical, sexual, psychological, emotional health. According to a recent research by the World Health Organization, one in ten women globally has already experienced a form of cyber violence since the age of 15.

There is no clear defined typology of offences considered to be cyber violence, cyber violence could be harassment, impersonation, trickery, exclusion, sexting, cyber stalking, and cyber threats that are mostly perpetrated against women and children.

Victims often times experience violence and harassment from families, partners, peers, and from total strangers, which bring about mental stress, depression, distrust, emotional imbalance, low self-esteem, drug use, anxiety, sociopathic tendencies, and suicide in some cases.

In other to combat this problem, it is crucial that we pay attention to people living with us and around us. This is because most people who are victims of cyber violence always believe they are all alone and the world is against them. These thoughts gradually take over the mind of the abused, hence resulting in either short or long term negative effects. Always keep the line of communication open so that people and children especially can open up easily.

For internet users, “always do to others what you want done to you”. It is important to act appropriately online and encourage ethical behaviours while using technology for the good of everyone.

Centre for Family Health Initiative is committed to end any form of violence through advocacy, sensitization and providing legal and psychosocial support to victims and survivors. Together we can encourage everyone to speak up and not stigmatize.