Gender-based violence (GBV) is the most prevalent yet least apparent human rights violation in the world, according to UNICEF. It involves impairment to a person’s bodily, sexual, mental, or financial health brought on by socially accepted gender power disparities. Threats of violence, coercion, and deprivation of public or private liberty are also included.
The profound repercussions of GBV on women’s economic opportunities are broad and substantial, as it is predominantly directed at women.
GBV inflicts direct harm on women’s economic stability. WHO reports highlight that women experiencing GBV often encounter challenges maintaining consistent employment due to absenteeism, reduced productivity, and job instability (WHO, 2013). This leads to a palpable decrease in income, leaving them financially vulnerable. The economic ramifications of GBV are enduring. Women who experience violence may face challenges in building a stable career, accumulating savings, and planning for retirement.
According to UN Women, GBV is a formidable barrier to women’s access to education and vocational training. Fear of violence or harassment may deter them from pursuing educational and skill-building opportunities, curtailing their capacity to attain qualifications essential for higher-paying occupations.

Furthermore, the fear of GBV can discourage women from venturing into entrepreneurship. This is corroborated by UN Women, highlighting that women may hesitate to seek loans, network, or engage in public activities necessary for entrepreneurial success (UN Women, 2019).

GBV is a significant hindrance to women’s economic empowerment and equality. Combating GBV and its economic effects needs comprehensive solutions that include legal reforms, social support systems, education, and awareness campaigns. By fostering violence-free settings, society can enable women to fully participate in economic opportunities, contributing to developing communities and nations.
Speak Wednesday is an initiative of CFHI to address issues around gender-based violence and gender bias.
#SpeakWednesday #Women’sRights #ENDGBV #WomenEconomicRights #GenderBias #GenderInequality