Given the advancement in the revolution of technology today, one can rightfully say technology is the future. Study shows that 90% of jobs in the next ten years will require digital skills. However, a 2020 study shows that women make up 28.8% of the tech workforce, which means there is a very sizable gender gap in the technology sector.
The reason for the gender gap stems mainly from the gender stereotype of boys being better at science and mathematics, which leads to fewer women studying technology-based courses in school, lack of female role models in the tech industry, lack of programming opportunities, and more. The National Bureau of Statistics also adds that women in Nigeria make up an average of 22% of the total number of engineering and technology university graduates each year.

To close the gender gap in the technology sector, there should be an early-stage girl-focused intervention of STEM subjects in schools; Women in the technology space with valuable experience should create more awareness and provide access to mentorship; Women should be encouraged to enhance their work-life balance and flexibility. Sheryl Sandberg once said ‘no industry or country can reach its full potential until women reach their full potential’.

#genderequality #genderstereotype UN Women